11 Reasons You Need an Emergency Dental Appointment

Sometimes, things go wrong. We have an accident and chip a tooth – or are struck down by dental pain. But does this mean you have to race out the door door and head to your dental clinic ASAP? Maybe, maybe not.In this article, we’ll go through some common dental problems and outline how urgently […]
Can I Go to the Dentist During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

UPDATE AS OF 1 AUG, 2020: Marketplace Dental can now offer ALL treatments for most patients, operating under the ADA’s Level 1 dental service restrictions, providing they show no signs of illness. Previously, certain limitations applied, restricting some procedures. At the time of original publication, only emergencies were allowed, but as above, these restrictions have now eased. If your […]
Broken or Knocked-out Tooth? It’s a Dental Emergency.

Read what to do right now A broken or knocked out a tooth (dental avulsion) is a dental emergency. If possible, try to find the tooth that has been displaced, but whether you can find the tooth or not, you must call us immediately for professional advice. Contact Us Now Knocked-out tooth/teeth (adults) Act quickly, and […]
Too many young NSW kids have cavities.

Want to help keep your children out of hospital? Look after their teeth! That’s the message given by the New South Wales ADA, which is accompanied by some worrisome facts from NSW health data. Preventable dental issues are the number one reason children are admitted to hospital in New South Wales, and there are long […]
Child Dental Benefits Schedule: Dental Services Covered for Kids

Keeping your kids’ teeth healthy may not cost a cent… According to the ADA, millions of Aussie kids are eligible for full or partial cover for dental services, but only one third of them are taking advantage of what’s available by the government. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule covers Australian children aged between 2 to […]