How Your Hormones & Menstrual Cycle Affect Your Dental Health

Have you ever noticed that about three or four days before your period, some parts of your body feel more tender and sensitive? This sensitivity is because of a buildup of oestrogen and progesterone at this time. These effects can be numerous and varied throughout your body – including your mouth and gums. TL;DR: A […]
Pregnancy & Your Teeth: Common FAQs

Your teeth, gums and mouth are greatly affected by your hormones, no matter which stage you’re at in your life – whether it’s puberty, dealing with your monthly cycle, pregnancy or menopause. Each life stage is affected differently, though. So if you’re pregnant, it’s essential you understand these changes and take some care to keep […]
Pregnancy & Your Teeth: Important Info

It can be hard to keep up with well-intentioned advice from family and friends when you are pregnant. But it’s important you discern fact from fiction so you can take the best care of your teeth during this special time. To help you along, we’ve created a go-to list of FAQs on pregnancy and your […]
Menopause & Your Oral Health

Going through menopause? A surprising amount of changes can happen to your teeth and gums during this time, but there’s no reason to alarmed – providing you take a few moments to get informed. Hormone changes experienced during menopause affect nearly every part of our body, with our teeth, bones and gums being no exception. […]